There is a level of sanity one has to maintain when attending school full time. Going out and having fun times with good friends and a few drinks is always the best way, but not always the cheapest. Fortunately things such as $6 Tuesdays (like it my previous post) come around and give us an oppurtunity to get off campus for a little bit. One thing like that happened over the past weeekend, that is the St. Patrick's Day Parade in NYC. It happens every year on St. Patricks Day, March 17th, and even though I am 100% Irish I have never been able to attended this lovely event. Thankfully I was able to go with friends this past Saturday. I had to wake up at the horrifying hour of 9 o'clock because the parade starts at 11, of course though it took my suitemate and I two and half hours to get off campus. We drove to the Bronx and parked by her house than took the D train to meet up with some friends and then walked over to the parade together. Since we drove over to the Bronx and took the subway we paid almost nothing. We both had pre paid metro cards and there was gas in the car. Show up with any old green thing in your closet, there is a ton of people willing to face paint you and give you little Irish tattoos for free. It was a lot of fun and there was a ton of people and more green than I could ever imagine. Sadly I dropped my camera early on in the day and was unable to take any pictures :( But I am sure you can imagine what it looked like...

It was a lot of fun and I highly recommend it. Hit up a fews bars (there are tons of people who will get you a drink or two) and hang out with your friends and remember everyone is Irish on St. Patrick's Day.