One Girls Skirt is Another Girls Shawl
Unfortunately living on a budget you cannot go out and buy the cutest newest things but there is something you can do to keep your wardrobe looking fresh and cute! You always have to find new ways to wear different pieces to get the most use out of them. You can always wear the same piece of clothing multiple times but wearing the same outfit over and over again gets a bit stale. One piece I have in particular that was given to me by a dear friend is a multi colored maxi skirt. But I chose to wear it more like a shawl. Don't get me wrong I love maxi skirts and think they are totally elegant but I wasn't feeling this one so I decided to switch it up. I wore it with dark American Eagle jeans and a white lace American Eagle top.

I suggest you go digging through some of your old things and see what you can switch up!
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